Today was a good day. Logan spent an hour walking around the floor giving the nurses train tickets he made. He said they were tickets to Seattle. He then went around and gave them train tickets to New York so they could go see the Mariner’s beat the Yankees (his idea not mine). His nurse Mandy was so thrilled that when we got back from our outside trip there was a brand new Lego train set on his bed. It made Logan’s day. We did get to leave again for about an hour. Kelly, Grandma (my Mom), Peyton, Logan & I went down to a park on Lake Washington. I taught Logan how to skip rocks. As he told the nurse tonight he is in training on how to skip rocks. We walked a lot so Logan came back very tired. I look over at him now at 8:55pm and he is sleeping peacefully.
As everyone can see Dylan has put some links on the blog as well. Everyone can visit those and learn about Logan’s cancer Neuroblastoma. I would like everyone to also visit this website and read the amazing story about Brent. My brother shared this story w/ me. As you will see it sounds very familiar. Visit
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.