Happy Halloween! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (a.k.a Logan Lewis) is ready to go trick-or-treating. We will get pictures to post on the blog. Logan had an appointment yesterday at Seattle Children’s and it went well. He is almost 43 pounds! This is the most he has ever weighed. We go in tomorrow to start chemo #5. We hope to be out Sunday. This is the same one he got on round #3 that made him very sick. As a parent I am just dreading having to bring him back. Our next 8 weeks will be crazy. Around Thanksgiving he will have a very serious surgery to try to remove the tumor. Once he recovers from that they will start the stem cell transplant and chemo #6. He will be in isolation (his own room) during the stem cell transplant and they estimate we will be in the hospital for 4 weeks….yes that is pretty much all of December including Christmas. Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers!


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