Today we found a little more out about the experimental treatment….it is going to be a little more intense than we thought. It won’t just be one week in the hospital and three weeks out. During some weeks out Logan will be needing to be on 24 hour IV treatment and will have to go back to the hospital daily to change out IV bags. Starting tomorrow I need to give Logan a shot every day for 14 days…he is not so happy about that. I will also have to do this later in the treatment. We have to go in this Sunday for a 4 hour blood transfusion. One week during his stay in the hospital we found out he may be there longer, 7 days. We also found out today it has been a year and a half since the last patient went through this treatment. After all that being said…and digested by Kelly & I we are still going to go through with the treatment. This is the hardest decision either us have ever had to make.


One thought on “

  1. You are an awesome family. I can only imagine how hard it is to head back into this fight, in order to give Logan the best possible chance of “beating neuroblastoma forever.” We will keep rooting for you, and praying hard. We hope Logan continues to find his amazing ways of having fun and celebrating life as you go through this final phase.


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