Rough Morning…

Rough Morning…

Rough morning….
After a great day yesterday it all changed this morning….Logan felt awful.  He really struggled getting to the car to make the daily trip north to Seattle Children’s Hospital.  After being sick we were able to get him some nausea medicine and thankfully he kept it down.  When I checked in with Kelly on their 1.5 hour commute he was sleeping.
Today they meet with Dr. Julie Park to discuss last weeks treatment as well as go over his daily check on blood work.   Yesterday Logan’s blood work actually started looking better.  They have been monitoring things real close because they are concerned his kidney’s and liver are working to hard and stressed.
Logan also has been concerned about his lower left rib area.  I tried to feel it yesterday and he was very protective of the area.  Not sure if it’s cancer/tumor related.  Kelly is going to have Dr. Park examine today which I am sure will possibly lead to scans.
Seeing Logan in so much pain this morning was heartbreaking…….helpless feeling.

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