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Author: Jason Lewis

ONE TREATMENT LEFT! Logan is doing excellent & having a great day. This morning when were up at UW Hospital we go to see Ben Townes parents. Ben was in getting fitted for his body mold so every radiation he is placed in the exact same spot. Logan was upset because he wanted to see Ben. Logan did however share w/ Ben’s mom what to do everyday in the car when you pull into the driveway to signify you are done for the day. Logan & his mom do this every time they go to treatment together. You roll down all the windows, you turn the music up real loud, and you go down the driveway real fast and dance. Be safe Carin;)

Congratulations to Logan’s friend Alexa who became a big sister today. Her parents Scott & Adrienne Caufield became proud parents of a baby boy named Curran Scott Caufield.

As I type this it is snowing outside! It is almost April! Logan loves it. We just went up and got the mail and Logan was catching snowflakes in his mouth. Only two days left of radiation. Yesterday was a really rough day for Logan. He was very sick to his tummy all day w/ a near 100 degree temp. We just had him lay around most the day. Today he woke up back to his normal self…harassing Peyton all day and beating everyone at the Wii.

Next week Logan goes through all the testing again including the bone marrow test where they stick a needle into both his hip bones…ouch! We will get the results of all the testing on Monday April 7th when we meet w/ the Neuroblastoma Dr. Julie Park. We then also find out what the next treatment will be for Logan. Of course we are all hoping there will be no signs of the cancer/tumor…..if there is……there won’t be so we don’t need to go there. Logan is our life and we breathe every breath for Logan to get better and live the life that we have been so fortunate to live.

Next Monday Logan will also be going w/ me to opening day of baseball for the Mariner’s! He…and I are pumped. I asked him what he is looking forward to the most and he said “eating cotton candy!” The player he said is most excited to see is Big Richie Sexson & the Mariner Moose. Go Mariners!

Another great day for Logan. Only four treatments left! The rest of the week is pretty quiet. Next week Logan will go through all tests again to see if any signs of tumor/cancer left. They will also test major organs for damage. As you can see by the picture Logan is enjoying a walk w/ his little brother Peyton. Logan is an amazing big brother. He cannot keep his hands off Peyton…this is good most the time;) Peyton will let him know by screaming at him at the top of his lungs if he does not want Logan to touch him. Have a great day everyone and thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers!

Happy Easter to all! Logan and cousins have already completed their Easter egg hunt. Logan is doing great. He feels & looks wonderful. As you can see by the close-up picture he is starting to get hair and also once again has eyebrows.

For those of you that follow Ben Townes blog he is back in the hospital w/ an infection. Please send your thoughts and prayers his way.

Only 6 days of radiation left! At radiation yesterday the doctors started the radiation “boost”, this is the “extra” radiation that will focus on the 5mm piece of tissue that was left in Logan after his surgery to remove the tumor. This area is smaller than the previous radiation area. His radiation doctor, Dr. Douglas believes we will start seeing less nausea and diarrhea due to the field being smaller and not hitting his organs as much. We hope this is the case. We started to hydrate Logan at home every other night…. Logan hasn’t had much interest in eating and drinking and with the radiation, sickness and diarrhea it is easy for him to dehydrate. As usual, Logan is being a trooper and has made friends at the University where he has the radiation.

We are also excited to tell you all…. Logan has hair! Bushy eyebrows and fuzz all over, it looks like he will no longer be blonde, it is coming in pretty dark. Either way is fine, I might just be his mom, but I thought he looked amazing bald anyway.

Papa & Nana left yesterday, we loved having them here. You are already greatly missed. Thank you Papa and Nana for a wonderful visit.

We all went to Ocean Shores today….Logan wanted to fly kites and so we knew the only place w/ good wind was the ocean. As you can see by the video Logan was very happy although it was windy, rainy, and very cold….who cares though we were with family. Logan had a great weekend. Nana & Papa painted the boys rooms. Nana is an artist and painted airplanes in Peyton’s room and Seahawks and Mariners logos in Logan’s room. I will get pictures and put them on the picture viewer on the blog. Kelly wanted a stripe painted in Logan’s room so that was Papa’s job.

Back to radiation tomorrow…..the way we look at it is we are on the downhill w/ it coasting to the finish line. It will be a little more difficult the next two weeks because we will not have the help of Kelly’s parents. Unfortunately they have to go back to New York…they have already been here almost two weeks! It has been great having them here to help out. Kelly’s dad, Larry, has been helping me w/ my “honey to do” list…together we have gotten more tasks done than I did all last year! Logan loves having them here…it is really hard to have them living across the nation. I know if they could they would be here in a second. Thank you Nana & Papa, you mean the world to us.

1/2 way done with radiation! Great job Logan. Today was a pretty good day. He did get an upset tummy though. Kelly called the on call nurse and they said this is common. We were told he will be sick later in the week of treatment (Thursday’s & Friday’s). When Monday rolls around his body should recover and then he starts over again.

LOGAN IS GETTING HAIR! His hair has started to come back. Our blonde angel looks to be growing brown hair. At least his eyebrows are coming back dark. He also is getting a lot of fuzz on his head. He still wants a mohawk when his hair grows back….Kelly & I told him he can do whatever he wants with his hair.

Tomorrow Logan will be 1/2 way complete w/ his radiation. So far we have not seen any of the instant side effects. He has had some minor nausea but we think that was from the new NG tube they put in. Logan is taking the nausea medicine now though so we can stay ahead of any future nausea that might happen.
Currently as I type this Logan, Papa, & Dad are playing bowling on the Wii. Logan just bowled a strike and looked back at Papa and said “Strike….beat that!” Peyton is also watching us. It is boys time. Nana & Mom went to get their hair done.
Not much else to report at this time….no news is good news;)

Logan is doing great! Today Papa, Logan, & Dad went up (boy’s day) for radiation. We also had to stop by children’s to get Logan’s NG feeding tube replaced. They gave him “sleepy milk” which knocks him out for about 15 minutes. He wakes up a little delirious but other wise o.k. He did awesome. Logan has been having a great time w/ Nana & Papa. By days end we are all worn out. We have set up a golf course in the back yard for Papa & Logan….Logan claims he is the champion. I will get you a picture of the two aces up by weeks end.