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Author: Jason Lewis

Happy Friday to all! Logan has had another wonderful day. No nausea yet….He has been beating up on his mom in the video game Mario Golf. Our nurses have been wonderful. They make our stay here so much easier.

For those of you that don’t know I work for a company called Dex Media. I sell yellow page ads as well as Internet items to new & existing customers. Why am I telling you this….I wanted to say how amazing my company has been to me. Very caring and compassionate from my peers all the way up to senior management. Yesterday we had our annual awards banquet and I had the privilege of meeting w/ our SVP for Dex. He informed me about his brother’s son beating cancer about 9 years ago….he had Neuroblastomo. It is nice to work for a company you know does not just look at you as a number but as a person. With this being said everyone be sure to check and make sure you only have a Dex phone book in your house;) The other books are great for firewood, recylcing etc. If you need a book let me know:)

Well we have officially started Phase 2. Logan is doing amazing. He has been joking around and playing games all day. They are giving him three different kinds of chemo. One they give him every morning for four days in the morning. The other two they will give continuously 24/7 for four days. They also are giving him lots of liquids to make sure kidneys stay functioning correctly. He will be peeing approximately every hour for the next 4 days.
Thank you all for keeping Logan in your thoughts & prayers.

Well today is our last day/night at home for awhile. It feels like we are moving out packing two cars w/ toys, pillows, clothes….all the things that will make Logan feel at home.

Today Kelly overheard Logan talking w/ Peyton about the hospital. The conversation went like this:

Logan: “Peyton I will be at the hospital a long time.”

Peyton: “Ahhhh, Shhhhh, Eh, Eh!” (interpreter…You are the best big brother ever, I love You!)

Logan: “I am going to throw-up a lot, but when I sleep and play video games it makes me feel better”

Peyton: “Eeeee, Ooooo, Uhhh!” (interpreter…I will make you feel better by giving you hugs & kisses, I can’t wait until you teach me to play baseball!)

We are the luckiest parents in the world!

Logan had another great day today. Mom & Logan went up to the SCCA today for final appointments before being admitted for stem cell on Thursday. Logan’s results came back today to see if he has any colds/sickness etc. The good news is nothing. If he had something they would of delayed transplant.
Logan will be admitted Thursday morning at 8am. He will get the strongest chemo because his kidney’s are very strong. He will get chemo Thursday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. They will let his body rest/recover Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday. They then will start stem cell transplant. The doctors anticipate Logan being in the hospital 4 to 5 weeks. Many people have asked about visiting Logan. We just ask that you call us first and make sure you are very, very healthy and have not had any signs of sickness.

Thank You to the students & staff at Kalles Jr. High in Puyallup! Your amazing principal, Mr, Casello, just dropped off another check to us. To date you have donated close to $3000.00 to help w/ the cost of Logan’s hospital bills as well as help with research in finding a cure for Neuroblastoma. Your show of caring & love for a little boy fighting a tough battle also has received recognition from a local radio station, KMPS. They mentioned your efforts many times this past week of all you have done for Logan. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

You are truly LEADING FOR LOGAN!

Happy Sunday to all. Logan & Dad went golfing today w/ Grandpa & some of his friends. Logan said he birdied every hole. Logan had his own golf bag & the pro at the golf course got Logan a pull cart to put his bag on. He pulled his own clubs around for almost the complete nine holes. His best club today was his driver….he was hitting the ball nice & straight (unlike his father). Papa would have been proud of Logan’s drives.

This next week we have appointments all week. The plan is for Logan to be admitted on Thursday. They will give him the strong chemo the first four days then let his body rest for three then transplant the stem cells on the seventh day. We will be in the hospital for four to five weeks.

Well the Seahawks season is over…..nice effort! Mario, Greig, Scott came over for the game and watch the Seahawks get pushed around.

Why am I putting it on the blog….well afterwards we played the Wii. Logan played each of us one by one in tennis…first Scott….loss, then Mario….loss, Greig….not a chance….Mom who is pretty good Logan beat her three sets to zero….then Dad who has never lost….yeah….he beat me three sets to zero. He was in the zone.

Logan’s birthday party was a blast. He had a great time. We rented out a facility that has party rooms w/ all kinds of bouncy things…slides, basketball, boxing, mazes, etc. By the end of the party everyone was exhausted including the parents. The picture above was just one of many. The others are posted to the right.

Yesterday was a busy day. Kelly and I met w/ the doctors that will oversee the transplant. The meetings went very well. We were at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance from about 8am-11am. Logan went to school and celebrated his birthday w/ all his classmates. He wore a crown all morning at school and thought it was awesome. We then went to Aunt Traci’s school, she teaches at Bonney Lake High School, and the faculty presented us w/ a check in the amount of $910.00! The staff members from both Bonney Lake HS and Sumner HS play a charity flag football game every year and donate the proceeds to a local worthy cause. This year, Aunt Traci, made them all aware of Logan’s battle w/ Neuroblastoma. They were inspired by his story and toughness and donated all the funds to Logan! We went to the school and the student body was gathered in the gym for an assembly. Logan (and family) were introduced and presented the check. Then the students surprised Logan w/ a big birthday cake and they all sang happy birthday to him. It was amazing. THANK YOU Aunt Traci and staff!

Logan’s appointments went great today. Basically the staff did a quick exam on Logan and then spent most the time asking me questions about Logan’s past health as well as Kelly’s and my family history. Logan found a portable video game believe it or not and had it wheeled into his room. Tonight he is staying the night at cousin Sydney’s and bringing Krispy Creme donuts for his class tomorrow to celebrate his birthday at school. Kelly, Peyton, & I will go up to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance again to meet w/ the main doctor to go over what to expect during stem cell….again.

Happy Day to all! Logan James Lewis w/ another great day today. He went to school this morning and got to bring his own lunch which he thought was really cool. Tomorrow the whole family gets to go up for an all day appointment at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.

Thank you to all who read this blog everyday to check on Logan’s progress. Your thoughts and prayers mean the world to us. Logan will beat this because he is strong willed, he has parents that know he can do it, he has family that knows he can beat it and he has friends as well as strangers that know he can beat it.

Everyone out there that has said a prayer, thought of Logan, contributed money to help w/ bills, hugged Logan, said hi to Logan……THANK YOU! You have made a difference in a little boys life as well as a difference on his family.