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Today is the memorial service in Ben’s honor. Please keep the Townes in your thoughts & prayers.
Benjamin Ward Towne
July 17, 2005 – December 30, 2008

The above picture was taken today as Logan was getting his MIBG scans. We are finally finishing scans that we started about 3 weeks ago. They were postponed due to weather & holidays. Click here if you want to read more about what an MIBG scan is. Today Logan also received the bone marrow aspiration as well. Results for the MIBG were negative….as expected! We should get bone marrow results next week but are not expecting anything. Thank you all for your continued thoughts & prayers.


We had a great time in Packwood! While we were there it snowed over 18 inches…that is on top of the 2 feet that were already there! The snow was great for making things so we all made a snow fort that had tunnels and a roof! Logan continues to do great. He is excited to get back to school tomorrow and see all of his friends. Just as Christmas gifts are over we start thinking about gifts for Logan’s birthday. He will be 7 on January 19th! He has been counting down the days.

We are up in Packwood, WA at our friends the Caufield’s cabin. There is two feet of snow up here and it continues to snow. Today we went up to White Pass to do a little sledding but it was very windy and snowing very hard.
Tonight we will bring in a new year…..Kelly & I are devastated by the loss of Ben Towne yesterday. I know he is watching over us all now. He is constantly playing tennis, driving the real Lighting McQueen car, going for rides in Monster Trucks, and telling everyone how amazing his family is. We are very blessed to have shared some very personal time with Ben & his family.
This year has been a roller coaster year to say the least. We got the news that Logan was in remission. This was by far the highlight. Logan & family have somewhat returned to normal life…if there is such a thing with a child in remission & that has received all those nasty drugs. This year I lost my Grandmother. Three of my closest friends also lost their Grandmothers. Then as mentioned above we lost Ben. As most of you know I try to look at the glass 1/2 full….I think my Grandmother as well as my friends three amazing grandmothers were there to greet Ben.
Thank you all for your continued thoughts & prayers.

Logan & family are having an amazing Christmas. With all the snow I have not been working much so we have had a lot of time together. Let’s just say my body is a little sore from all of the sledding we have been doing.
Logan said he got all the presents he wanted….good job Santa! He has been playing a new game he got for his Wii for the last 2 hours while his little brother Peyton keeps harassing him. This morning Mom & Dad were up first, we then woke up Peyton, who then went in and woke up Logan. Logan jumped out of bed smiling and hugged everyone and said Merry Christmas. He then went down to make sure that Santa came as well as ate all the cookies Logan put out….he did;)

First I want to say a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wife Kelly! We had a pretty good snow storm hit us yesterday afternoon. The sledding video above was taken before the storm. We received another 6-8 inches! We were sledding until about 9pm last night! I (dad) did not do to well on the sled….I hit a bump wrong (minus sled) and hurt my tail bone area pretty good;) This morning there is a bruise there the size of an apple but the color of a plum….ouch! As you can tell by the video Logan is feeling awesome. He is officially on winter break from school and does not return until early January.

Great news!!!! Logan scans were all clear! They think he just has a small virus that is not making him feel well. The limp in his leg may just be a pulled muscle. The nurse did a series of tests w/ his legs and he did great. Next week we will finish the testing with the MIBG scan as well as a bone marrow aspiration. They are not expecting anything from these. The big news was the CT scan today that showed NED (no evidence of disease). Thank you all for our thoughts & prayers.

Today Logan has been showing signs that have concerned us….we spoke w/ Dr. Fong at Seattle Children’s Hospital and he has ordered some emergency scans just to verify all is o.k. Tomorrow we go in for all his scans that were scheduled for mid January. It sounds like they will rush the scans stat so hopefully we will be able to update everyone w/ good news tomorrow evening. Please keep Logan in your thought and prayers…..the next 24 hours will be long & hard but knowing we have such a huge support group helps….Thank You!

The joys of living w/ a child in remission of Nueroblastoma……(insert sarcasm here). Today I walked in from work w/ my wife Kelly almost in tears because Logan was limping. He said he was having pain in his right thigh. Remember all this started w/ a limp. Logan’s appetite has also been a little light and energy down. Although this is probably nothing….a little cold. It still is very stressful. It weighs very heavy on us. As I am typing this Logan came running across the living room with no limp??? I just asked him about his leg and he said it is better now. Of course over the next five years….better yet the rest of his life we will be looking at every pain, action, whatever through a microscope.