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Logan continues to do great. He posted another 100% on his spelling test at school this last Friday. He also received his very first report card. He received all Satisfactory ratings “S” as well as about 5 Outstanding ratings “O”. As his teacher Mrs. Olson said “This early in the year she rarely gives out “O’s”. We are very proud of how Logan his been doing in school especially since he missed almost all of Kindergarten.

Today Logan & Mom are making a paper chain. They will tear off one link a day until Christmas.

Thank you everyone for your continued thoughts & prayers.

We had a nice relaxing four day weekend with family & friends. We spent Thanksgiving at the cousins house. Then we went to Packwood over the weekend and stayed with the Caufield’s at their cabin. Logan & friend Alexa went in the hot tub about 5 times! On Saturday we cruised up the road to White Pass ski area and we all had a small snowball fight…..Logan blindsided dad in the face on one shot.

A year ago Logan was recovering from getting his tumor removed. Today he is a very healthy, happy first grader. Thank you to Jenny Wohrle Photography for the family picture above.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Today we are thankful to be spending time with our families. We are thankful to have such a huge support group. We are thankful to have been blessed by the amazing courage and strength of Ben Towne & Jenna Westerholm. Today Ben & Jenna’s families are in our thoughts & prayers.

Today mom & Logan went up to Seattle Children’s Hospital for a routine check-up. Logan is growing like a weed. His is also maintaining his weight which is great news. Our next appointment is early January to complete all of his scans.
Logan continues to do great in school. On today’s spelling test he received a 100%. They also gave him 8 extra credit words…pretty hard ones for a first grader. He got 6 of 8 correct!
Right now as I type this Logan is at movie night at his school. Kids bring a pillow and blanket & watch a movie on a big screen in the gym. Logan was so excited to go.
A continued thanks to everyone that keeps checking Logan’s blog. I recently put a counter at the bottom….in just 11 days we have received over 2000 visitors. I look at that as 2000 people praying for Logan & our family, that is 2000 people praying and hoping for a cure against Neuroblastoma. Thank You!

Logan continues to do great. He is loving being a big brother. He is realizing that whatever he does his little brother is soon to follow/copy. This past week both boys had runny noses. Logan, like most kids, has an issue with wiping his nose onto his sleeve (a.k.a. snail trails). Well guess who now is copying his big brother…..yep Peyton. Logan thought that was pretty neat.
A close friend of our family, Sarah (Edlund) Costanza, will be running a 1/2 marathon in June 2009 to help raise money for Logan as well as finding a cure for Neuroblastoma. Check out her website/blog she has done. We will also place a link to this website below to the right to access anytime and view her updates. Thank You Sarah!

Wanted to update everyone on our friend, Ben Towne…..WOW what a fighter. We had the privilege to spend many nights with the Towne family at Seattle Children’s Hospital over the last year. I have never seen a 3 year old with more strength than Ben. I nicknamed him “The Incredible Hulk” because one second he was being kind and sweet and the next pain would set in and he would go on a rage not knowing at his young age what was going on. The amazing nurses & doctors would combat his pain with different mixes of drugs. Some of them that if taken by you & I would put us to sleep in a second….not Ben! He would fight through, go on walk after walk, play cars, watch movies etc. Today Ben continues his fight….to stay alive and bless everyone with his amazing strength & presence.
This has been one of the hardest past weeks for Kelly & I. Our friends Jeff & Carin are going through what no parents should ever have to. We have been there during this fight for each other because only we knew what each family was dealing with. Now Jeff & Carin are going down a road different than we are. I spoke briefly with Carin’s sister last week when the they found out the tumors were growing so rapidly….I was at a loss for words. Every day, every hour, every minute we think of the Townes and how blessed we are to know them.
Please once again keep the Towne family in your thoughts & prayers. Reach out to them via their blog and share your support. I know this last 15+ months when we would get comments they really went a long way in making us feel a little better knowing that we had such an amazing support group. Click here to go to Ben’s blog.

As I type this Logan & Mom are at the movies together enjoying the new Madagascar 2 movie. Everyone in the family is starting to feel better….just runny noses now. Logan is doing awesome in first grade. I think he has three Friday’s with perfect 100% spelling tests! Yesterday Logan asked if we could put up our Christmas tree! He is a little excited. We told him we will wait until after Thanksgiving. Have a great day and thank you everyone for your continued thoughts & prayers.