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I do not know what to say…..I will just copy the news from Ben’s site…..please send your thoughts & prayers to his family. Tonight Kelly & I are without words as to why…..

Monday, November 3rd
Once again, we are at a loss for words.
Yesterday evening, Ben was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital. A CT scan last night and another one this morning confirmed one of the tumors in his brain has continued to grow aggressively over the last few days and even through the hours of the night.
Because of the rapid growth, the doctors confirmed that further treatment would not be effective. The decision was made to stop the radiation treatments and return home. We are continuing to monitor his pain levels and are giving him medications to keep him comfortable. Many times last night Ben told Carin not to worry and that he loves her.
Ben is now resting with his mom and dad, and is surrounded by all of his family. At this point, there is no way to determine how much time we have left with Ben…but we know that it isn’t long.
Please continue to respect the family’s privacy and refrain from visiting. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Logan continues to do amazing. He is loving being in first grade. We stopped by Seattle Children’s Hospital to get our flu shots on Wednesday. While we were there we stopped by to see all of our amazing nurses…..Logan loved it! To top off our visit Logan asked if he could stay the night at the hospital because he missed it. That’s how amazing they are there… the past he was always so sick but yet they created an environment for Logan (and all kids) that made them forget what was going on and just be a kid.

Calling anyone that knows of a book publisher…..we are interested in getting bids on taking this entire blog we have done and putting it into a hardback book. I looked online but it is all so confusing. If you know of any companies if you could e-mail me at it would be much appreciated.

Logan continues to do great. Today & Friday he does not have school because of teacher planning. So last night his Sydney & Chloe stayed the night. I am not sure who is more tired…Kelly & I or Logan from staying up late watching movies;)

I want to be sure to give credit where it is due….we had such an amazing time on Saturday night & we met so many amazing people. I just wanted to correct who the amazing two gentlemen w/ Logan above are. Rob Smith is the President of Exigere Corporation, and friend Rich Radcliff. They along with their wives are the ones that donated the Disney trip & tickets to Logan.
Thank you so much!

Wow what a night! Logan was amazing. Last night Logan & family were honored guests at the Miracle House Guilds 8th annual auction to raise money for Seattle Children’s Hospital. It took place at the Museum of Flight in Seattle.

The special night all started with Logan, tux & all, being picked up in in a stretch limo donated by Bryan & Jennifer Groves of A American Limo. Thank you to both of you for helping make his night so special. Logan is also pictured above with a painting he and artist Jordan Swain did…it sold for $1700 (to Logan’s grandpa)!
The President & CEO of Plum Creek Lumber surprised Logan with a wagon full of games that Logan was eyeing the whole night…..and two business partners from Exigere out bid everyone for a trip to Disneyland and then surprised our family by giving it to us!
It was such an incredible night. We met so many special people that gave so generously to Children’s Hospital. THANK YOU TO ALL!

Great News……Logan scans were all clear! Tonight we breathe a huge sigh of relief, we celebrate as a family, we enjoy no hospital until January 2009! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Please continue to check back often as I will always update everyone how Logan is doing.