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Category: Daily Updates

Logan continues to do awesome. This week he has already made two trips to Children’s Hospital for bone marrow aspiration and injection of dye to get ready for tomorrows scans. We spend most the day there tomorrow for CT Scans and well as MIBG scans. The doctors are supposed to call us Friday with results of tests. Logan continues to do great in first grade. Despite missing most of last year he has adapted well.

Sorry it’s been a couple days….Logan is doing great. He had a blast scooping ice cream at Cold Stone on Thursday night. Thank you to the owner Kellie for inviting us. This week Logan has all his scans again so it will of course be a stressful week for the family. We hopefully will have results by the following Monday. Please keep Logan in your thoughts and prayers that the cancer continues to stay away….forever. Thank You!

Ice Cream! Ice Cream! Logan will be an honorary scooper this Thursday night at the Cold Stone Creamery in Puyallup’s South Hill. Proceeds benefit Make A Wish Foundation! Come have Logan scoop up your choice of ice cream. He will be there serving from about 5:30pm to 6:30pm.

Hard week for all of us…..on Wednesday night Logan’s Great Grandmother passed away (my mother’s mom). Although it was expected it is still hard. We spoke w/ Logan about it and he chose for Dad to tell her good-bye for him. We told him that she will go to heaven to be with her husband who passed 35 years ago as well as her animals (in particular her dog Bridget).
On Thursday morning when Kelly & I spoke w/ Logan and let him know she died in her sleep his response was “Is she with her dog now?” We said yes and that they are probably playing:)

On a happier note Logan continues to do amazing. He is loving first grade. At the end of this month Logan will be going through all of his scans again. It will take about three days and then we will get results the following week. Please keep Logan in your thoughts and prayers and continue to wish him good health. Thank You!

Logan continues to do awesome. Today Dad & Logan went to the Seahawks game….besides the final outcome we still had a great time. Tomorrow Logan goes up to Children’s Hospital for a check-up & blood draw to make sure all counts are good.

Sorry we have not updated in awhile…..very busy:) Logan did amazing at the UW game! Above is just one of many pictures. Once we get the others online I will add to portfolio below on right. The coolest thing is when he was on the huge screen for all fans to view he raised his arms up to “pump up” the crowd. It worked! He had the crowd going crazy! Thank you to Donna at Make-A-Wish as well as Amy w/ the UW for making his day so special!

First Day Of School, First Day Of School!
Logan had an awesome first day of first grade. Mom dropped him off and without hesitation he was off and playing. He even asked his mom not to follow him into the classroom he said he was all right going with his friends…..he’s growing up!