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Wanted to update everyone. As you all know, if you haven’t heard from us ….. Logan is well in most cases. We were allowed to go to Mary Bridge Hospital in Tacoma on Thursday for a basic blood draw. We only had to have this done to fit into the guidelines for the experimental treatment. On Friday…. Logan played with Chloe ALL day long and then we went to Emerald Ridge High School for the RELAY FOR LIFE. Logan was able to participate in the opening walk with other survivors, it was a great experience. Saturday…. Logan again played with Chloe ALL day, attended a Birthday Party ( which he had alot of fun at ) and then continued to play with his friend until his eyes could take no more. Sunday…. got his second haircut since it as grown back ( he wants to keep it long ) and played with Chloe all day. ( Chloe went with us for a haircut also ) We will post some pictures of Logan at the RELAY FOR LIFe tomorrow. Just a recap, Logan goes all day long playing outside and finally stops to go to bed. He is doing great, and having alot of fun.

We don’t head back to the Children’s Hospital until July 1st!!! July 1st and 2nd Logan goes through “re-staging”. All tests are done on Logan. They are doing their 3 month check up to make sure Logan is in remission still. Our doctor, Dr. Park,will call us on July 3rd with the results. Until then…. Logan will PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!!!

Well good news….I think. Logan’s counts are back above 13,000. There was a mistake in the lab yesterday when doing Logan’s labs. We are all human and all make mistakes so all is forgiven…the last 24 hours though have been filled w/ a little stress, confusion, worrying etc.

Logan is doing awesome! He played w/ Chloe this morning before going up to the hospital.

Wanted to take this public forum and congratulate all 9th graders at Kalles Jr. High and wish them all well as they venture off into High School. What you all have done for Logan & family this past school year was amazing. Also good luck to all 6th graders at Logan’s school, Fruitland Elementary, as they venture into Jr. High. Thank you to Logan’s kindergarten class for thinking about Logan everyday he was not there and when he came to visit making him apart of your daily activities…..Most importantly a big thanks to Logan’s kindergarten teacher Mrs. Pesature who continued to teach Logan, on her own time, to make sure Logan is ready for first grade. You are amazing…THANK YOU!

Logan continues to get better day by day. Today he went to hospital for check-up and to check his blood counts. This time his counts were all “out of whack”. The doctor has never seen anything like it….so much so that she had his blood re-checked and the numbers did not change. His ANC count which should be super high because we have been giving him boost shoots was below where it can fight infection. 250 range. It was 12,000+ on Friday. They were not concerned to keep Logan (admit). They will have him come back tomorrow to be re-checked. Dr. Park did say that the bone marrow could be producing so much it has “taken a break” and hopefully should rebound. Logan was so worried he came home from the hospital and played Power Rangers w/ Chloe;)

Father, Dad, Daddy, Old Man, Papa, Pops…..Hero. Happy Father’s day to all the Dad’s….especially my dad (Ron), my step-dad (David), Kelly’s dad (Larry). You all mean the world to me. This last year people have told me that I am an amazing dad….I have done what any other father would do. Thank you to all. Your support and kind words help us get through everyday.

We are home! Logan is feeling o.k. Today has been the roughest day of the week. As I type this though he just took a bath w/ his brother and is playing w/ him and feeling much better. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers this week.

Wow what a day! I am not sure who had more fun Logan or Dad. Today from 3pm-5pm they had a Father’s Day party on the SCCA floor. The theme was sports. The big surprise is Matt Hasselbeck, Seahawks Quarterback, Deon Branch, Seahawks Wide Receiver, Chris Spencer, Seahawks Center, Nate Robinson, player for NBA NY Knicks, Brandon Roy, NBA Portland Trailblazers, Jamal Crawford, NY Knicks, & Will Conroy, LA Clippers showed up and signed autographs.

The best part of the day and a memory that will last a life time for both Logan & I is when Logan gave Matt Hasselbeck a Kalles Cookbook autographed by Logan….Matt immediately took off his personal Seahawks hat he was wearing, autographed it for Logan, and put it on his head. Logan wore the hat the next two hours and kept telling everyone that Matt and him have the same size head because the hat fit so well;) Matt also threw a pass to Logan w/ a Nerf football in which Logan made a great catch.

The nurses kept teasing me because I was having as much fun as the kids….I was! Thank you Shauna (nurse who organized the event)….it was awesome!

Logan continues to feel great…we get to go home early tomorrow morning.

Logan continues to do great. Today was another great day fulfilled w/ Wii playing, bike riding, playing w/ Ben, and watching movies. Kelly and I were thinking the reason there is no signs of pain is that the antibodies don’t know what to do because there is no cancer to attack.

Rooming w/the Townes has been a blessing. I know we can look across the room for a smile, a laugh, a relaxing look. Yes we have found someone that knows exactly our thoughts but more important is Logan has found another great friend in Ben and Kelly and I have found two great people in Carin and Jeff….soon Peyton & Ryan will get to meet as well….