Detailed update…..

Detailed update…..

Usually when I do an update it is at night (tired) or I try and squeeze one in at work.  I don’t get very detailed but do more of a high level update to keep all of our friends & family informed.

Sooooo……cancer really sucks and is taking it’s toll.  Thank God we have an amazing support group.  Since Kelly is on FMLA she makes the daily trips to Seattle Children’s and is Logan’s primary caretaker.  She does all medications, home hydration, feeding tube/bag etc.  She has been through the training at the hospital and soon will receive her nursing certificate;).  Where do I come in….support, help when I can.  A lot of times I feel helpless.

Logan has been throwing up this week.  When he throws up the NG tube that has been placed through his nose and into his stomach sometime comes up as well.  Kelly then has to gag Logan and re-insert it.  She then has to listen through a stethoscope to make sure she did not shove it into a lung.  If she does not hear air in his stomach she pulls it back out and does it again.  There are other side affects that come with the chemo but Logan would not appreciate me going into any details publicly….

What seems to distract Logan most is video games.  On Wednesday night a friend from work, Jeff, and uncle Mike “nerded out” with Logan for many hours.  Logan loved it!  Uncle Mike, Aunt Kim, and Cousin Jake have been here this week helping out….Thank you!  They leave tomorrow morning back to New York and my mom flies in from Tucson on Sunday to be here for a week.

So to everyone that takes the time to read my posts, share my posts, pray for my son, tell people about my son’s fight…Thank you.  I will continue to update you when I can, sometimes brief, sometimes in detail.


Rougher week than usual……

Rougher week than usual……

Logan is almost done with this round of chemo and it has been a rougher week than usual.  He’s had a little more nausea than usual.  Through it all though he remains positive & strong.

I was gone the last couple days at a conference and came home to his amazing smile tonight.  We just got done getting our fantasy football lineups ready for week two.  Logan is 1-0 in both leagues whereas dad is 0-1 in both.

His last round of chemo is this Friday then his counts will drop.  Once again we hope for no fevers and no trips to the hospital the following week.

I met some amazing people at my conference and shared Logan’s story with many.  The thoughts & prayers are working everyone.  We hope during next rounds of scans to see minimal cancer.


Great Weekend!

Great Weekend!

Logan & Family had a great weekend!  Logan for the most part felt great.  He was able to attend/cheer on little brother Peyton’s first soccer game of the season (big win), able to go to the fair for 5+ hours and best of all enjoy fair food and a great rodeo.  Had a great time with friends watching football Sunday morning (too bad Seahawk’s lost).  Experienced his first weekend as a fantasy football owner of 2 teams!  As I type this it looks like he will be a winner in both leagues!  Aunt Kim & Cousin Jake flew in Saturday night from New York so Logan also spent a lot of time being a great cousin as Jake wanted his attention a lot:).

This morning Logan started round 3 of experimental chemo.  Long day for Mom and Logan.  I am out of town for work but I just checked in and Logan and Uncle Mike (flew in from NY tonight) were playing some serious video games and Logan was feeling great!

Thank you all for continued thoughts and prayers!


Amazing Surprise for Logan……

Amazing Surprise for Logan……


Today Seattle Sounder Fan Favorite Roger Levesque stopped by our house and visited with Logan & family.  Logan was having a rough morning and the visit made him feel great!  Roger brought over some gifts as well as tickets to two upcoming games.  This month the MLS is doing it’s part to find a cure.  The scarf pictured above is for sale at many stadiums.  Roger gave this one to Logan.  Thank you to Logan’s fourth grade teacher Mrs. Cranston & family for arranging this!  Not sure who was more excited the kids or dad;).


School news….

School news….

We met with Logan’s school counselor/administration on Wednesday and came up with a plan (driven by Logan).  He will be taught at home about 2 hours a week from a dedicated teacher (Mrs. Lane from Kalles was first in line to volunteer:)).  She will work with Logan’s teachers and gather his assignments weekly and then come to our home and teach Logan.  This was 1 of 2 options.  The other is Logan go to Kalles when he feels up to it.  We as parents left the decision 100% to Logan.  If everything goes as planned he will go back to school full time in January at the start of 2nd semester.  The Kalles Tyee family of course made sure to let Logan know he is still and always will be a Tyee and can come down anytime to events/school.


Mixed Emotions…..

Mixed Emotions…..


Today is the first day of school.  Logan unfortunately will not be attending….yet.  Every year mom has taken the boys picture.  This morning there was not the normal excitement.  Peyton of course was up at 7am ready to go…but Logan prepared to go up to the hospital vs. go see his friends at school.  There has been HUGE support from the staff at Logan’s school (as you can see by the above picture on the right) to help/tutor him.  Kelly and I hope to meet with the team later this week to come up with a plan.  My feelings are I think Logan is a little afraid of the hair loss & tube and how kids will react.  As we always do we will take things one day at a time and when he is ready we will be right there along with him.  I’m of course a biased parent but I think he looks amazing.  The blue eyes and dimples;).

Logan and mom headed up this morning to check his counts and possibly get blood.  His counts were 3650!  Also no blood or platelets needed.  For the first time in over a week he was feeling sick today.  Kelly has been great with finding out the exact time/medications to stay ahead of the nausea and has slowly been weaning him off…..looks like we may continue with just small doses for now.


Logan doing amazing….

Logan doing amazing….

Logan is doing amazing!  His counts are on the rise.  Yesterday they were at 765 and rising.  So with that he will gain his strength back as well as get out of the house to do things.  Currently as I plan this we are planning a possible day to the zoo (or something outside).  He is also began using his walker more vs. the wheelchair.  His leg is gaining strength so all good news to report.

School starts tomorrow…..Logan will not start school but as with everything this we are taking things one day at a time.  I told him I would take him down in the morning if he wanted to welcome his friends back.  He is still thinking about it.

Little brother Peyton and I had an amazing time in Arizona.  Peyton is now well rested and ready to tackle 2nd grade!


Little Brother Peyton Lewis……

Little Brother Peyton Lewis……

As you can imagine our lives recently have revolved around Logan & his cancer battle.  His 8 year old brother Peyton (born just 4 days after Logan’s first diagnosis) has been a trooper through everything.  Everyday Mom/Logan go to hospital, Dad to work, and Peyton….to a family member or friend (people lining up to help out).  Peyton just takes it all in stride.  At home he also try’s to help out with Logan as much as possible.  When Logan is not using his wheelchair Peyton takes advantage of cruising around the house as well;)

That brings me to today.  About 9 months ago our family booked a trip down to Tucson, AZ to go see Grandma & Grandpa.  Cancer has of course altered those plans.  After discussion with my amazing wife she suggested Peyton and I still go.  Logan is at home with zero counts and Peyton and I are both battling a little cold as well so not being around Logan is probably a good idea.  Sooooo as I type this Peyton & I are sitting at gate N14 at SeaTac getting ready to board a plane to Tucson.  This trip he will be spoiled and it will be all about him.  I called ahead to the Westin we are staying at and they are preparing a special welcoming surprise for him among other things.  He will get lots of swimming, some golf, and most importantly Grandma/Grandpa hugs & kisses.

Logan has had a great week.  He continues to surprise Kelly & I with his strength.  They head up for a quick blood draw this morning as well as a bi-weekly scan of his hip.

When Logan wins his battle mom has requested a girls get-a-way to wine country in return:).


Childhood Cancer Awareness Month…..

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month…..

Today we turn our calendars to September.  Today starts a month focusing on creating awareness about the fight of Cancer in children.  As you can imagine millions of dollars are donated every year to fight cancer.  Did you realize only 3% of all dollars raised/donated go to research for Childhood cancer!  As a parent of a child who is battling this is ridiculous (other choice words but I will keep this post family friendly).

Many of you through Logan’s blog have been introduced to the  Ben Towne Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation.  Our family had the privilege/honor to go through treatment with the Townes.  Ben passed from Neuroblastoma December 2008.  His parents Jeff & Carin Towne soon after started the foundation.    PLEASE go to the link below and read their story and share with EVERYONE!  Forward to everyone you know on Facebook and have them forward/share with everyone they know.

As you will read they are doing amazing things and are saving Children’s lives!  Kelly and I contribute $25 a month to the foundation…not much but imagine if you contributed $25 and your friend, and…..


Great Weekend…..

Great Weekend…..

Logan and family had an uneventful weekend.  In cancer-land that means it was a great weekend.  Logan’s counts will be dropping so he will be watched closely this week for fevers.  If he does spike a fever he will need to go to ER.  Last round he had spiked a 103.8 fever and was admitted for 6 days.  The difference between this time and last is that Kelly has been doing home hydration nightly.

His schedule for this week is today and Thursday he goes up for blood work to watch counts and get quick check-up.  Odds are Thursday he will also get a blood transfusion and/or platelets.

More gifts, cards well wishes continue to pour in.  It has been amazing to say the least.  Kelly is one to always send out Thank you cards first thing as she has a huge giving heart… is eating her/me up not to be able to send thank yous personally to everyone of you.  PLEASE know that your gift(s)…yes YOU are making a huge difference in our families daily routines.  THANK YOU!

Also on another great note Logan’s nephew and friends organized a late night 3 vs 3 soccer tournament that took place last night in a parking lot.  I attended for awhile it the support/turnout was awesome.  I estimate over 100 people showed up.  Thank you to all that attended!
