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Author: Jason Lewis

Well today did not go so well. Logan woke up w/ a fever. It started at about 99.3 and continued to rise. We kept in touch w/ the hospital and at 101.3 they had us come up to the ER. Since his white blood cell counts are still at zero he has no way to fight infection. Therefore he was admitted so they can monitor him as well as give him antibiotics over the next 48 hours. He seems to be feeling better now. He ate a little bit and is drinking well. He also got a little bloody nose that went away pretty quick. What concerned the doctors was that his platelet count is low so his body has trouble clotting (stopping the bleeding). They will be doing a platelet transfusion tonight and blood transfusion in the morning. If everything goes well we should get to go home Monday. They are anticipating his white blood cell counts to start rising. Hopefully he will be able to go to the first day of kindergarten.

What a long day….Logan & Dad left the house about 11:30am and did not get home until almost 8pm. Our first stop was Seattle Cancer Center where Logan will be getting his stem cell transplant. They just wanted to start a file and check his Hickman Line. We were only there about 30 minutes. We then went to Seattle Children’s Hospital for blood work and our normal Friday meeting w/ the doctors. We were the last appointment of the day and they were running behind. Logan’s counts were low so we need to go back at 8am Sunday morning for a transfusion. To prepare for this they had to draw a little more blood this evening to match the donated blood. The only issue was that most everyone had left for the holiday weekend. We had to wait for the charge nurse from another floor. Oh well Logan and I spent the time playing his video game together to try to get to the next level. If Logan feels well we will get a day at home tomorrow. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.

Happy Friday to all. Sorry we did not write yesterday. It was a great day for Logan. No doctors and a day to just play all day. Today we have a lot of appointments. We have to go some where in Seattle so they can check Logan’s Hickman line. It is where he will be having blood drawn next week to harvest blood cells for his stem cell transplant. We then go to Children’s for blood work/lab to see ho his counts are. Finally we have our usual Friday clinic w/ the Dr. Hawkins. Logan’s white blood cells should start to come back-up over the weekend. They have to be above 500 to fight infection (like a simple cold). This Wednesday they were at 0.

Happy Wednesday to all. Logan’s transfusion went well. It looks like everyone gets a rest day tomorrow as long as he does not get a fever. Logan’s shot went well today. It is getting easier everyday. Logan is standing right here & he wants me to tell everyone “I want to take a walk.” he also said “I like Josh (big brother) because he likes to play video games.” Well w/ that being said we are going to go on a short walk. Have a great day!

Today we went and started a file for Logan at the Tacoma Children’s Hospital. We did this because it is about 15 minutes away vs. the hour (w/ no traffic) to Seattle. We will be able to go to Tacoma to get his blood work done. Everything else still will be done in Seattle. Also if he gets a fever we are supposed to have him in the ER within one hour. It makes sense for us to have a file as well in Tacoma. The staff there was excellent. Logan’s counts were low so he will be get getting a red blood cell transfusion tomorrow morning. He looks and feels fine. He had a mostly relaxing day. Dad & Logan caught a frog in the yard and Logan kept it in his bug catcher. He filled it w/ grass so the frog could eat he said. Currently we are sitting on the back deck relaxing by a fire in the fire bowl. Logan is playing his video game as well as trying to eat his dinner. It sounds like we will be making daily trips this week and next to Seattle so they can watch his counts as well as get his ready for the stem cell transplant.

Happy Monday to all (if there is such a thing). Logan, Mom, & Peyton had a good visit today at the hospital. His blood work came back good. They are thinking he may only need one transfusion this week. This is good considering he needed three the week after his first chemo. They will also be doing a second CAT scan in a couple weeks to see if the tumor is shrinking. We gave Logan his second shot at home today. He hopped right up into the chair and said “go ahead dad” but when the needle came out he went the other way. The good thing is he said he did not feel it again. Hopefully it will get easier. He is being so brave w/ everything though. Tonight Kelly & I get a date night! My mom and step dad are coming over to watch the boys and we are going to go catch a Mariner’s game for awhile. It will be weird being together w/ out the boys. Thank you for your continued support.

Happy Sunday to everyone. Today was a great day to be home. We just laid around most the morning. Logan slept for 12 hours last night….nice to be in his own bed. We went on a nice walk and Logan drove his John Deere Gator the whole way. This afternoon we stopped by Uncle Pat’s & Aunt Traci’s to see everyone. We gave Logan his first shot today. It went interesting. After a little wrestling we got it done. He said he did not feel it at all. We will see how tomorrow’s goes. Grandma & Grandpa David came over for dinner tonight and Kelly found the time to make us some great spaghetti sauce in the crock pot. It was great.

We are home! It was an interesting ride home. There was a major car accident that shut down all lanes southbound on I-5. We tried to take back roads…..w/ everyone else. It took about an hour and a half to get home. It wouldn’t have been that bad but Logan got sick in the car on himself , the car seat, and the seat. It made the ride that much longer. Good news is he is feeling great now and very excited to sleep in his own bed tonight. It will be nice to just lay around tomorrow and not be bothered by nurses and doctors.

Today we go home! Good morning all. Logan is relaxing watching cartoons. His tummy is a little sour. They give hime medicine at 9:30am everyday just before chemo. The medicine is to help prevent sickness. It’s supposed to last about 24 hours. I think it wears off a little early and that is why we see the yucky tummy in the mornings. We get to leave the hospital about 3pm (4 hours after chemo treatment). Yesterday we learned how to give shots to Logan because we will giving them to him daily this next week. I gave one to myself in the thigh…I didn’t even feel it because the needle is so small. Kelly then let me give one to her in the thigh. In case you have not heard she is very…VERY afraid of needles. She was very brave in front of Logan though and did very well. Have a great Saturday.