It’s been awhile…..things have been very normal. I was just down in San Diego this past weekend with my mom & her husband David watching a PGA golf tournament. Why do I write this on Logan’s blog? Next time I will bring Logan. He would love it. You get to be real close w/ players so Logan will love to get autographs. He loves playing golf so I think he will amazed by how far the pros can hit the ball (almost as far as his dad).
As you tell by the picture above Logan is a little lighter today. His dentist, Dr. Edlund, removed 2 teeth today to give his new teeth more room. Logan is pumped for the tooth fairy to come tonight. The whole procedure took only about 20 minutes and Logan was very brave.
Logan continues to do great in first grade. As I type this mom & him are practicing his spelling words. His class has been studying whales so everyday when he gets home he tells about what whale the discussed that day.
That’s it for now…don’t forget to click on the red link on the right and join our team and walk with us in June to raise money to fight cancer!