We are home…Logan is doing awesome! He has been a little tired but other than that been feeling great. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers this week…they worked!
Logan continues to do amazing! He has made friends on the floor so is always asking to go see them. Today him and another boy played video games and rode bikes for about 4 hours. He is exhausted as the day comes to an end. It is about 6:30 and he is fighting to stay awake to watch cartoons. This morning had a surprise guest here at the hospital….his best friend Chloe and her family. Logan loved it. He gave them a tour of the oncology floor and showed them where everything is. Thank you Aunt Kristi for staying w/ Logan last night. We get discharged tomorrow morning and after this only have one treatment lest!
I found out yesterday from Logan’s doctor that they had not completed the Bone Marrow tests yet from the bone aspiration he had last Wednesday…..the results we got back last Thursday were for a clear MIBG scan. Well we got his bone marrow results back minutes ago and….ALL CLEAN! No traces of any cancer! They even ran a couple of other tests as well and those came clean to! We could not be happier.
Logan is doing wonderful. As I type this he is in another room playing Lego Star Wars with another little boy. His pain has been well managed. He had one bout of sickness yesterday but besides that has been pretty close to normal. Unfortunately we are not rooming w/ the Townes this turn around….it is nice still having them right down the hallway. Logan is always asking to see Ben. As you can imagine Ben, who is almost three, handles the pain associated with this antibody different than Logan. Logan can express his pain in words and understands the process and when he gets to go home where as Ben does not comprehend all of this and gets frustrated by it. Ben is one of the most amazing kids I have ever met and to see him in pain & frustrated is hard. Please send all your thoughts and prayers to the Towne family. They are amazing people.
A funny thought to leave you all with. I bought Logan a rubber snake today at the hospital gift store and he scared one of his nurses pretty good. We placed it on the floor and he pushed the call button. When she came in she walked right over it not seeing it…Logan pointed to it and she jumped pretty high:)

Tomorrow morning we are off for our fourth of five treatments. Logan continues to do great….as you can see by the picture above he even helps get his daily shots ready. Today we spent most of the day up at the hospital getting blood. As usual we will keep everyone informed on how our week progresses. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
“Everything is exactly what I expected. I am very pleased with the results.” – Dr. Julie Park on Logan’s results! As you can expect a huge sigh of relief on our part. Logan continues in remission. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers….they are being answered.

It’s my Birthday……36 and counting! Of course all I want for my birthday is the health of my kids. Logan has called me on my cell phone at work about 5 times so far today to tell my Happy Birthday.
Yesterday Logan lost his first tooth! The tooth fairy came last night and as Logan said waived her wand to get his tooth without waking him up and left $5 for him! She also left him a lipstick kiss on paper.
As usual no news is good news….with that being said tomorrow we start our hospital visits again. This week Logan has to go through all the tests again to make sure he is still cancer free. As you can imagine Kelly, I and family are just a little uptight. We will get results back Thursday and of course post them as soon as we have them. We are then scheduled to start treatment number 4 of 5 on Monday.
Logan has been playing hard non-stop. Yesterday we went out to Chloe’s uncles house. He lives on a lake. Logan (and family) had a great time. we took Logan out in a paddle boat, he went swimming, and his favorite he rode quads. Logan usually gets up around 7am every morning and keeps looking out his bedroom window until he see that Chloe is up. They then play non-stop until about 8pm every night. As I type this Chloe, Logan’s big brother Josh, & Logan are out playing baseball in the backyard.