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Thank God for family! As Kelly & I celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary at home very sick w/ nasty colds, Logan’s aunt Kristi has put her life on hold to help out. Thank you Kristi for staying with Logan as we are at home trying to recover. Logan has been doing great. Last night while I was laying on the hospital floor very sick he was watching cartoons…at 1am. This morning we went out for a long walk to get fresh air and Logan told me he would take care of me. Logan did spike a fever this afternoon but other than that has been playing Guitar Hero on the Wii w/ Kristi.

Well here we are back in the hospital for our last anti body treatment. I have a cold & Logan a runny nose so because of that they have put us in isolation. What this means is we get our own room but we cannot leave the room. Logan already has a little “cabin fever”. As I type this Logan is sleeping. He has had a little tummy pain off and on most the day.

Things have been great. This last weekend we went to Packwood, WA and stayed at Chloe’s grandparents cabin. Logan & Chloe went non-stop up there. They threw rocks in the river, watched the many elk, played horseshoes, roasted marsh mellows, & many other fun things.

Friday we are scheduled to go home. Awaiting Logan will be the start of his Make-A-Wish cabin! He is so excited. I am awaiting the video from Logan’s T.V. debut. When I get that I will try to post on the blog.

Thoughts & prayers have been working for Ben Towne! Below is a small snip-it from what his mom Carin wrote on his blog:
Today we find ourselves where we need to be for the first time in almost a year. Ben’s scans came back clear and his bone marrow biopsy negative.

Thank you to all for your Thoughts & Prayers for both Logan & Ben.

One year ago today our lives changed forever. Logan was diagnosed on July 26, 2007 at about 4pm. I remember spending most the day at Children’s hospital w/ Kelly & my sister-in-law Traci. Logan went through a series of tests to see why he was limping. He felt good though. I remember the doctors having him run up and down the hallway to watch his motion. Logan would tell me he felt great and how fast he was. We were meeting w/ doctors for possible signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The last tests they had Logan do was a CT scan of his chest & abdomen. They would not have the results back for about an hour so we all went and waited in the cafeteria and had a small snack….we were not that hungry. “Paging the family of Logan Lewis please come to floor 6 purple zone, will the family of Logan Lewis please come to the floor 6 purple zone.” We all went up and gathered into a small room. Dr. Wallace (arthritis doctor) came into the room and without any hesitation told us our pride & joy had cancer. Of course the emotions overwhelmed us….Kelly was 9 months+ pregnant so the doctors all showed concern there. We then had to wait and meet w/ an Oncology doctor. He said he wanted to admit us that night and start treatment. We pleaded to go home as a family and absorb what we could of the news. They let us leave and we were admitted the next day to start treatment to kill the nasty disease that was in our son.
Our lives changed for the better….some would think for the worst but I am one that looks at the glass 1/2 full. We have met some amazing people this last year. People who had never met Logan & family but reached out to help. I have grown closer to my family than I ever have been…they have been their to support us every minute. I also am fortunate to have Kelly’s parents, they are just as much my mom and dad as Kelly’s and I thank them. I could write a book on all the amazing people that have touched our lives. Thank you to the nurses at Children’s hospital, you will forever be apart of my family. Your caring and passion for my son is amazing….thank you, thank you, thank you. We have also met many strong, amazing families that are dealing with their child going through cancer. Thank you to those families for your guidance and support. Most of all to the Townes….I wish we could of met under different circumstances but this is what was put upon us. Carin, Jeff you are an amazing couple. Thank you for venting with us, crying with us, laughing with us. I hope we will forever be friends and be sitting in the family section together when Ben & Logan make their Mariner’s debut.

To everyone that reads this Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Today we pray….Ben Towne has all of his scans today. We pray that there is no more cancer. Please keep Ben and his family in your thoughts. They will get results mid next week.

Well yesterday our family was blessed once again…..we were surprised on the N.W. Afternoon show by a local family from Redmond, WA that paid $5000 for Logan’s Make-A-Wish to come true. Thank you so much Osborne family, you have impacted Logan and us for life. Kelly & I, while driving home from the show, shared the same feeling that someday we can do the same for another family. It meant that much to us. Logan’s T.V. debut went great. The staff at KOMO was amazing and really made us all feel very at comfortable. We also got to meet an amazing little girl who has had her wish fulfilled. She was 6 years old as well. Her name is Cassidy Huff. Make-A-Wish fulfilled her dream to sing on stage w/ country band Rascal Flatts. She sang to a standing ovation of a sold out crown in the Tacoma Dome. For those of you fortunate enough to see this Monday’s show of Northwest Afternoon you will get a snapshot of her amazing voice. Thank as well to Morton’s Steakhouse that is supporting Make-A-Wish w/ partial proceeds of their 30 year anniversary burger going to Make-A-Wish. Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers!

Hello all….it’s been awhile. Logan continues to do great. He is back up to full strength and playing hard everyday. He stayed the night at cousin Sydney’s last night and had a blast. On Saturday night he went w/ Mom & friends to a local park to watch an outdoor movie. Half way through the movie everyone was surprised when the sprinkler system turned on…oops!

On Saturday we also were very fortunate to attend Ben Townes 3rd birthday party at Ben’s house. What an amazing family and support system Carin & Jeff have. This week Ben will have all of his scans again….please think and pray for Ben that his cancer is gone….forever.

Logan is going to be a T.V. star! This Wednesday morning N.W. Afternoon is taping a segment on Make-A-Wish foundation. They will be interviewing Logan about his upcoming wish August 13th. The actual show will air this next Monday, July 28th, on KOMO at 3pm. KOMO is then looking at coming to the house on the day Logan’s fort is built and filming the process. We will keep you all informed on this.

This last Friday Kelly’s parents also represented Logan in a local Relay for Life walk in their town in Norwich, N.Y. The picture is Kelly’s dad representing Team Logan!

Logan is a bit weak but doing good. He is so tough. Most of us would be in bed or on the couch and not move all day. Logan plays w/ Chloe & Peyton. Although he stops often for rests he still his a superhero! The next three weeks a relatively quite….Logan has a clinic appointment tomorrow but after that not much until his last treatment the first week of August. Thank you all for your kind words….they help all of us and bring a smiles to our faces.