We have had an eventful week. On Tuesday night, Logan went to Toys R Us for a shopping spree. I know… how lucky is he!!! A senior at Bonney Lake High School (where Aunt Traci works) contacted us about including Logan in her senior project. Amy raised just over a $1000.00 and presented Logan with Toys R Us gift cards to go shopping! Amy and her mom joined us for the exciting spending. Logan did great, a little overwhelmed….. but a smile never left his face. He decided that he wanted to spend some of his money on his friends and family, we were proud he wanted to share with others. After the 1 hour there Logan was ready to stop as he was so tired from the excitement. The next day Logan finished his shopping and spent the rest of the money on the Children’s Hospital. Logan stated “he was done shopping and wanted to start shopping for the Children’s Hospital”. Logan’s focus was on buying bikes for the cancer floor. (When we are there you can ride bikes on the floor, Logan loves doing this. The last time he was riding bikes some were broken, the one he was riding the pedal was broke, he was upset about that) So Logan and I sent out to pick out the perfect bikes. We decided that we needed to get a new bike for each age group with helmets of course (we cannot ride bikes at children’s without helmets) He was pretty proud about buying for others, we are so proud that he is a very caring child. Thank you to Amy once again, without your thoughtfulness we would not have been able to do any of this. You are an amazing person.

Exciting for Jason , Logan and I…… Logan is eating. He is eating 3 meals a day with snacks, we have not seen this since he was diagnosed. Just seeing him sit at the table with a plate of food gives me butterflies in my stomach. Mothers feed their children and I am excited to do that again, even if it is short lived. We start an IV at home on Monday that will give him “Flu like symptoms” and then the following week we are admitted again.
Logan is riding his bike, playing baseball in the yard, loving his brother and playing with his new toys. He is doing well. Jason and Logan even saw some “love handles” on him tonight.

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