Weak and tired…..

Weak and tired…..

Logan had his check-up with his doctor yesterday.  He has not been feeling very well.  Fevers, very tired, and no appetite.  The nurse did a nasal swab and it tested positive for two different viruses.  He has a cold/chest virus as well as a flu strain.  Unfortunately both viruses just need to “run their course” and are not treatable with antibiotics.  The positive is he is at the tail end if the sickness.

His leg is going better.  Still sore but no longer requires crutches or pain medication.

At this time we will continue to constantly communicate with his team of doctors and the plan is to re-scan the first week of March and reevaluate then.

This past weekend we took an extended long weekend and spent time as a family in one of our favorite places Seabrook, WA.  It was very relaxing and great weather.  Logan even got in a little driving time on the beach!  We played board games, went on short walks, drove on the beach, went swimming among somethings.  It was a much very needed getaway.

Loganfest X is almost here!  Click on link to find out more!  Thank you Kalles family!



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